IELTS Vocabulary - Topic: Lifestyle (Heath& Art)
“Phong cách sống” – “Lifestyle” là một chủ đề khá rộng vì nó có thể sẽ chạm đến những vấn đề như bảo vệ sức khỏe, sinh hoạt hàng ngày hoặc mỹ thuật. Có thể chủ đề này sẽ gây khó khăn cho các bạn khi học từ vựng nên IELTS Fighter đã chia chủ đề này thành hai chủ đề nhỏ hay gặp nhất là “Health” (Sức khoẻ) và “Art” (Nghệ thuật). Hãy cùng IELTS Fighter theo dõi xem có những từ vựng hay ho nào trong “Lifestyle” nhé!
1. HEALTH (Sức khỏe)
Part 1
What do you do to stay healthy? (Bạn làm gì để sống khỏe mạnh?)
Sample answer |
Vocabulary |
(Answer) Well, I try to stay away from junk food, and I hit the gym on the daily basis. (Reason) Doing excercises regularly does wonders for not only my physical but also mental health and it really helps me to unwind after work. |
Junk food (n) |
Đồ ăn nhanh |
Hit the gym (v) |
Đi tập gym |
Does wonders (for (Sb/St)) (v) |
Tốt (cho ai/cái gì)
Unwind (v) |
Xả hơi (= Relax) |
Part 2
Describe an activity that makes you feel healthy. (Mô tả một hoạt động làm cho bạn cảm thấy khỏe mạnh)
Sample answer |
Vocabulary |
(Answer) Nowadays, people tend to be more health-concious and I am no exception. In order to keep fit, I have joined a rumba class – a type of dance, which is held three times a week in a gym near my house. Unlike the boring time running on the treadmill, I find that dancing is more intriguing. (Reason) It helps me speed up my metabolism by burning much more calories in just an hour of intensive training. In addition, dancing builds up my flexibility as it makes many parts of my body move, such as my arms, shoulders, abs and legs. (Example) By sticking to a schedule of dancing on a regular basis and a balanced diet as suggested by my private trainer, I have managed to keep a lean body. Thanks to this, I can reduce the risk of getting chronic diseases, such as diabetes or the ones related to our bones. (Reason) Besides, dancing is really good for my mental health because it helps me ease the tension after a stressful day at work. (Example) You know, I can step into the class wearing comfort clothes, dancing along while listening to great music and the most important thing is that I can forget about the deadlines or competition. All in all, I think this kind of dance is a good remedy for both my physical as well as mental health. |
Health-concious (adj) |
Quan tâm đến sức khỏe |
Treadmill (n) |
Máy chạy bộ |
Speed up my metabolism (v) |
Tăng cường trao đổi chất |
Intensive training (n) |
Luyện tập cao độ |
Balanced diet (n) |
Chế độ ăn cân bằng |
Lean body (n) |
Cơ thể mảnh mai nhưng khỏe mạnh |
Chronic diseases (n) |
Bệnh mãn tính |
Diabetes (n) |
Bệnh tiểu đường |
Remedy (n) |
Phương thuốc |
Part 3
What could be done to promote a healthy lifestyle? (Điều gì có thể thực hiện để khuyến khích lối sống khỏe mạnh?)
Sample answer |
Vocabulary |
(Answer) I think there are several feasible methods that could be adopted to lead a healthy life. (Example) The government should implement strict rules on products or activities that affect people’s health, for example smoking in public places. (Example) Another possible method is that more programs about healthy eating or taking up a sport should be produced and disseminated on social media such as TV or Facebook so that people can be more aware of the importance of healthy living. |
Feasible methods (n) |
Phương pháp khả thi |
Implement strict rules (v) |
Ban hành luật nghiêm khắc |
Disseminated (v) |
Tuyên truyền |
Glossary box |
Junk food (n) |
/dʒʌŋk/ /fuːd/ |
Đồ ăn nhanh |
Hit the gym (v) |
/hɪt/ /ðiː//dʒɪm/ |
Đi tập gym |
Do wonders (for (Sb/St)) (v) |
/du//ˈwʌn.dərz/ |
Tốt (cho ai/cái gì)
Unwind (v) |
/ʌnˈwaɪnd/ |
Xả hơi (= Relax) |
Health-concious (adj) |
/helθ/ /ˈkɒn.ʃəs/ |
Quan tâm đến sức khỏe |
Treadmill (n) |
/ˈtred.mɪl/ |
Máy chạy bộ |
Speed up my metabolism (v) |
/spiːd/ /ʌp//maɪ/ /məˈtæb.əl.ɪ.zəm/ |
Tăng cường trao đổi chất |
Intensive training (n) |
/ɪnˈten.sɪv/ /ˈtreɪ.nɪŋ/ |
Luyện tập cao độ |
Balanced diet (n) |
/ˈbæl.ənstɪd//ˈdaɪ.ət/ |
Chế độ ăn cân bằng |
Lean body (n) |
/liːn//ˈbɒd.i/ |
Cơ thể mảnh mai nhưng khỏe mạnh |
Chronic disease (n) |
/ˈkrɒn.ɪk//dɪˈziːz/ |
Bệnh mãn tính |
Diabetes (n) |
/ˌdaɪ.əˈbiː.tiːziz/ |
Bệnh tiểu đường |
Remedy (n) |
/ˈrem.ə.di/ |
Phương thuốc |
Feasible methods (n) |
/ˈfiː.zə.bəl//ˈmeθ.ədz/ |
Phương pháp khả thi |
Implement strict rules (v)s |
/ˈɪm.plɪ.ment/ /strɪkt//ruːlz/ |
Ban hành luật nghiêm khắc |
Disseminate (v) |
/dɪˈsem.ɪ.neɪt/ |
Tuyên truyền |
2. ART (Nghệ thuật)
Part 1
Do you like art? (Bạn có thích nghệ thuật không?)
Sample answer |
Vocabulary |
(Answer) Wow, fine art has been my lifelong passion ever since I was a student in primary school. (Example) I love to go to some museums at the weekend with my boyfriend to admire famous abstract paintings or sculptures of well-known artists all over the world. |
Fine art (n) |
Nghệ thuật nói chung |
Abstract (adj) |
Trừu tượng
Sculpture (n) |
Điêu khắc |
Part 2
Describe a piece of art that you like. (Mô tả một tác phẩm nghệ thuật mà bạn yêu thích)
Sample answer |
Vocabulary |
(Answer) To talk about my favorite piece of artwork, I would like to pick “Young Woman with Lily” by To Ngoc Van, one of the most eminent painters of Vietnam. (Reason) The painting is my favorite artwork as it has excellent artistic value and everytime I see it, I have a great feeling of satisfaction. (Example) It is an oil painting of a young woman dressed in a white Ao Dai sitting next to a vase of white lilies. It was created in the early 20th century and it is considered one of the most classic artworks in the Vietnamese history of art. Fortunately, I had a chance to admire the original painting in the National Gallery. The masterpiece portrays a young woman in Ao Dai, tilting her head towards the lilies. The dominant color of the picture is white but it isn’t boring at all. The alignment of light and different shades of white mix and bring a little sadness to the picture. (Example) Beside depicting the beauty of women wearing the traditional Ao Dai, this picture also describes the elegant pursuit of old Hanoians, which is displaying lilies. In conclusion, this painting is a great artwork which needs to be preserved and it may be a good idea that youngsters now have the chance to admire classic pieces of artwork like this. |
Piece of artwork (n) |
Tác phẩm nghệ thuật |
Eminent painters (n) |
Họa sĩ tài năng |
Oil painting (n) |
Tranh sơn dầu |
Classic (adj) |
Kinh điển |
Admire (v) |
Chiêm ngưỡng |
Alignment (n) |
Bố cục |
Depicting (v) |
Mô tả |
Elegant pursuit (n) |
Thú vui tao nhã |
Part 3
Should children be encouraged to learn art? (Trẻ em có nên được khuyến khích học mỹ thuật hay không?)
Sample answer |
Vocabulary |
(Answer + Reason) Well I suppose that studying art is an excellent way to help children promote their creativity. (Example) Literally, children observe and perceive the world around them in a different way. Each child’s opinion is unique and we can see this most clearly if we ask them to draw a certain thing. Maybe their innate talents will soon reveal and if we encourage them to think outside the box, they can have further development. |
Creativity (n) |
Sự sáng tạo |
Innate talents (n) |
Tài năng thiên bẩm |
Think outside the box (v) |
Suy nghĩ thoáng, vượt ra ngoài quy chuẩn |
Glossary box |
Fine art (n) |
/faɪn ˈɑːt/ |
Nghệ thuật, Mỹ thuật |
Abstract (adj) |
/ˈæb.strækt/ |
Trừu tượng |
Sculpture (n) |
/ˈskʌlp.tʃər/ |
Điêu khắc |
Piece of artwork (n) |
/piːs//əv/ /ˈɑːt.wɜːk/ |
Tác phẩm nghệ thuật |
Eminent painter (n) |
/ˈem.ɪ.nənt//ˈpeɪn.tər/ |
Họa sĩ tài năng |
Oil painting (n) |
/ɔɪl//ˈpeɪn.tɪŋ/ |
Tranh sơn dầu |
Classic (adj) |
/ˈklæs.ɪk/ |
Kinh điển |
Admire (v) |
/ədˈmaɪər/ |
Chiêm ngưỡng |
Alignment (n) |
/əˈlaɪn/ |
Bố cục |
Depict (v) |
/dɪˈpɪkt/ |
Mô tả |
Elegant pursuit (n) |
/ˈel.ɪ.ɡənt//pəˈsjuːt/ |
Thú vui tao nhã |
Creativity (n) |
/ˌkriː.eɪˈtɪv.ə.ti/ |
Sự sáng tạo |
Innate talent (n) |
/ɪˈneɪt//ˈtæl.ənt/ |
Tài năng thiên bẩm |
Think outside the box (v) |
/θɪŋk//ˌaʊtˈsaɪd/ /ðə//bɒks/ |
Suy nghĩ thoáng, vượt ra ngoài quy chuẩn |
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