Nhiều bạn mải ôn tập IELTS quá mà quên mất là mình đang đồng thời học một ngôn ngữ mới. Điều này thật là exciting phải không nào!

Ngoài tiếng Anh ra, mình cũng học thêm một vài thứ tiếng nữa, mặc dù chưa thành công như tiếng Anh, nhưng mình thật sự thích quá trình khám phá một ngôn ngữ và nền văn hoá mới. Chúng ta cùng khám phá một số từ vựng, câu trả lời về chủ đề này nhé.

Từ vựng chủ đề Ngôn ngữ

Từ Phiên Âm Loại từ Nghĩa
System /ˈsɪstəm/ (n) Hệ thống
Phonetics /fəˈnetɪks/ (n) Ngữ âm học
Phonology /fəˈnɑːlədʒi/ (n) Âm vị học
Morphology /mɔːrˈfɑːlədʒi/ (n) Hình thái học
Acronym /ˈækrənɪm/ (n) Từ viết tắt
Affix /əˈfɪks/ (n) Phụ tố
Allomorph /ˈæləmɔːrf/ (n) Tha hình
Allophone /ˈæləfəʊn/ (n) Tha âm vị
Ambiguity /ˌæmbɪˈɡjuːəti/ (n) Từ nhiều nghĩa, đa nghĩa
Antonym /ˈæntənɪm/ (n) Từ trái nghĩa
Compound sentence /ˈkɑːmpaʊnd ˈsentəns/ (n) Câu ghép, câu phức
Conjunction /kənˈdʒʌŋkʃn/ (n) Liên từ
Consonant /ˈkɑːnsənənt/ (n) Phụ âm
Vowel /ˈvaʊəl/ (n) Nguyên âm đôi
Descriptive linguistics /dɪˈskrɪptɪv lɪŋˈɡwɪstɪks/ (n) Ngôn ngữ học mô tả
Prescriptive linguists /prɪˈskrɪptɪv lɪŋˈɡwɪstɪks/ (n) Ngôn ngữ học quy định
Linguistics /lɪŋˈɡwɪstɪks/ (n) Ngôn ngữ học
Etymology /ˌetɪˈmɑːlədʒi/ (n) Từ nguyên học
Semantics /sɪˈmæntɪks/ (n) Ngữ nghĩa
Determiner /dɪˈtɜːrmɪnər/ (n) Từ hạn định
Digraph /ˈdaɪɡræf/ (n) Từ ghép
Diphthong /ˈdɪpθɔːŋ/ (n) Nguyên âm đôi
Homonym ˈhɑːmənɪm/ (n) Từ đồng âm (khác nghĩa)
Homograph /ˈhɑːməɡræf/ (n) Từ cùng chữ (phát âm và nghĩa khác nhau)
Inflect /ɪnˈflekt/ (v) Biến cách
Morpheme /ˈmɔːrfiːm/ (n) Hình vị học
Orthography /ɔːrˈθɑːɡrəfi/ (n) Phép chính tả
Phoneme /ˈfəʊniːm/ (n) Đơn âm
Phrase /freɪz/ (n) Cụm từ
Clause /klɔːz/ (n) Mệnh đề
Constituent /kənˈstɪtʃuənt/ (n) Thành phần
Rhyme /raɪm/ (n,v) Âm vần, ăn vần
Syllable /ˈsɪləbl/ (n) Âm tiết
Syntax /ˈsɪntæks/ (n) Cú pháp
Synonym /ˈsɪnənɪm/ (n) Từ đồng nghĩa
Diachronic /ˌdaɪəˈkrɑːnɪk/ (adj) Lịch đại
Displacement /dɪsˈpleɪsmənt/ (n) Sự thế chỗ
Extralinguistic /ɛkstrəlɪŋˈɡwɪstɪk / (adj) Ngoài lĩnh vực ngôn ngữ học
Metalanguage /ˈmetəlæŋɡwɪdʒ/ (n) Siêu ngữ
Onomastics /ˌɑːnəˈmæstɪks/ (adj) (thuộc) Nghiên cứu tên riêng
Metaphor /ˈmetəfɔːr/ (n) Phép ẩn dụ
Paradigm /ˈpærədaɪm/ (n) Hệ biến hóa
Parameter /pəˈræmɪtər/ (n) Tham số
Reflexive /rɪˈfleksɪv/ (adj) Phản xạ tốt
Sign language /ˈsaɪn læŋɡwɪdʒ/ (n) Ngôn ngữ cử chỉ
Structuralism /ˈstrʌktʃərəlɪzəm/ (n) Chủ nghĩa cấu trúc
Taxonomic /ˌtæksəˈnɑːmɪk/ (adj) (thuộc) Sự phân loại

Useful Nouns

Native tongue: tiếng mẹ đẻ

Dialect: tiếng địa phương

Verbal communication: giao tiếp bằng lời

Useful Verbs

Be fluent in: nói lưu loát tiếng gì đó

Converse: một từ formal hơn cho speak

Chat: tán dóc

Useful Adjectives

Understandable: có thể hiểu được

Unintelligible: lời nói dễ hiểu

Meaningless: vô nghĩa

Useful Idiomatic Expressions

Have a chinwag = have a conversation: nói chuyện đối thoại

All Greek: dùng để nói một ngôn ngữ mà bạn hoàn toàn không hiểu

Bây giờ, hãy cùng tìm hiểu mội số bài mẫu Speaking về chủ đề này nhé!

Sample Part 1

1. Do you like learning languages?

A: Yes, I do like learning languages. I like English as a second language more than my native tongue and spend a lot of time practicing on it. I have also started to learn French recently.

What foreign languages have you studied?

Well, in Vietnam, everyone must learn English at school, and I am no exception. On top of that, I have taken some courses in Japanese and Chinese as a hobby. I must say that I am really interested in learning new languages as it helps me broaden my horizons.

2. Why did you choose to study that language?

Well basically, English is a compulsory subject in our education system and it has become a global language of communication and is widely used in many aspects of life, such as education, business, and travel. On top of that, I chose Japanese and Chinese because of its prevalence in my country and its rich cultural and historical significance.

3. How did you learn the languages that you know?

A: I think the most effective way to learn a language is to practice more with a native speaker. By doing this, you can improve both listening and oral skills simultaneously, you will be fluent in this language. Besides, I also do general readings in my spare time and keep a journal in English.

 How did you learn that language?

Well, I learned English primarily through formal education, starting from primary school and continuing into higher education. I supplemented my language learning through reading books, watching movies, and practicing conversational skills. For Japanese and Chinese, I initially learned the basics through immersion like watching movies, listening to music, or taking language courses, and further improved through practice with native speakers.

4. Why do people learn more than one language?

A: I think people learn as many languages as they can because language is a necessary tool to have conversations with foreign people and learn their cultures. Understanding many languages helps us to open the door of many more opportunities in this world.

5. Do you think that all children should learn foreign languages at school?

A: Yes, I think that kids are better at learning a second or more foreign languages at school. They learn things fast at a young age, and I’m certain that a mastery of other languages pays well for kids when they go into the adult world in the future.

6. How long have you been learning that language?

Well, if I remember correctly, I have been learning English since my early childhood, and I have been studying Chinese and Japanese for approximately 3 years.

7. Would you say it’s a difficult language to learn?

Well, learning a language can be challenging, but with consistent practice and dedication, it becomes more manageable. English has many irregularities in grammar and pronunciation, while Japanese and Chinese require us to master logographic characters, that is, every symbol either represents a word or a minimal unit of meaning. Although those languages have their complexities, they are widely taught and learned worldwide.

Sample Part 2

Describe a language that you want to learn (not English)

Skill-developing exercises

1. Lexical resource

Bài 1: Cho dạng đúng của những từ trong ngoặc để tạo thành một đoạn văn hoàn chỉnh và có nghĩa.

Currently I am a student (1) (major) ___________ in Italian so I want to learn another language that has a different alphabet and Chinese is the language that (2) (come) ___________ to my mind first. To me, speaking Chinese (3) (fluent) ___________  is a good way of being a part of that interesting (4) (Orient) ___________  culture.

2. Grammar

Bài 2: Đoạn văn sau có 5 lỗi sai. Hãy tìm và sửa chúng.

First, Chinese culture is a vivid one, which is a combination of breathtaking scene, succulent local cuisine and great music.

I am a kind of person who like to read about Western culture. Therefore, China may sound an attractive language and I think learn Chinese can help me have a deeper insight into the root of this civilization. In other words, I can understand people’s etiquettes and especially the tradition customs.






3. Pronunciation

Bài 3: Dựa vào những phiên âm sau, hãy viết từ hoàn chỉnh.

  1. /ˌsɪv.əl.əˈzeɪ.ʃən/ ___________________________
  2. /ˈet̬.ɪ.kɪt/ ___________________________________
  3. /ˈbreθˌteɪ.kɪŋ/ ___________________________
  4. /əˈtræk.tɪv/ _____________________________
  5. Coherence

Bài 4: Lựa chọn phương án chính xác để làm cho đoạn văn sau logic.

Second, learning Chinese is beneficial nowadays. The (truth/ confession/ real) is that there are an (declining/ even/ increasing) number of China’s entrepreneurs that have invested in Vietnam. I think it is a good opportunity for me (though/ along with/ because) I can apply to some groups with my Chinese language skill. Learning Chinese can be a great help with my future career.

Đáp án:

Bài 1:

(1) (majoring)

(2) (comes)

(3) (fluently)

(4) (Oriental)

Bài 2:

 (1) once => one

(2) scene => scenery

(3) Western => Eastern

(4) learn => learning

(5) tradition => traditional

Bài 3:

  1. civilization
  2. etiquette
  3. breathtaking
  4. attractive

Bài 4: truth – increasing – because

Sample answer

Cue card

Describe a language that you want to learn (not English).

You should say about:

- What it is;

- Why it is interesting to you;

- How it will help you.

Suggested answer

Describe a language that you want to learn (not English).




Currently I am a student majoring in Italian so I want to learn another language that has a different alphabet and Chinese is the language that comes to my mind first. To me, speaking Chinese fluently is a good way of being a part of that interesting Oriental culture.



First, Chinese culture is a vivid one, which is a combination of breathtaking scenery, succulent local cuisine and great music.






I am a kind of person who like to read about Eastern culture. Therefore, Chinese may sound an attractive language and I think learning Chinese can help me have a deeper insight into the root of this civilization. In other words, I can understand people’s etiquettes and especially the traditional customs. Specifically, I can learn more about their practices, habits and see the interesting similarities and differences between Chinese and Vietnamese culture.


Second, learning Chinese is beneficial nowadays.


Going to China to study is the dream that I have had for quite a long time. Therefore, learning Chinese is not only beneficial, it is necessary for my study. If I can speak it fluently, I may adapt better to the environment and students around me. Moreover, the truth is that there are an increasing number of China’s entrepreneurs that have invested in Vietnam. I think it is a good opportunity for me because I can apply to some groups with my Chinese language skill. Learning Chinese can be a great help with my future career.


Useful expressions


New words



Oriental culture (n)

/ˌɔːr.iˈen.t̬əl ˈkʌl.tʃɚ/

văn hóa phương Đông

Eastern culture (n)

It is important that we learn about the special patterns in Eastern culture.

vivid (adj)


đa sắc màu


breathtaking scenery (n)

/ˈbreθˌteɪ.kɪŋ ˈsiː.nər.i/

khung cảnh tuyệt đẹp

succulent (adj)



delicious (adj) /dɪˈlɪʃ.əs/

Nothing is better than going to a foreign country and enjoying delicious street food.

local cuisine (n)

/ˈloʊ.kəl kwɪˈziːn/

ẩm thực địa phương


apply (to) (v)


ứng tuyển

traditional custom (n)

/trəˈdɪʃ.ən.əl ˈkʌs.təm/

phong tục truyền thống

etiquette (n)


cách ứng xử


St comes to one’s mind

(cái gì nảy ra trong đầu)

Austria is the first country that comes to my mind in terms of the place I want to live in the future.

have a deeper insight  into

(có hiểu biết sâu hơn về cái gì)

Mrs. Le is the person who helps me have a deeper insight into Vietnamese literature.

the root of this civilization

(gốc rễ nền văn minh)

The root of Maya civilization may start thousands years ago.

There are an increasing number of  St

(có một số lượng tăng lên của cái gì)

There are an increasing number of dwellers in Ho Chi Minh city nowadays.

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